Hey everyone! We hope this newsletter finds you doing well. This summer has been flying by so quickly! It’s crazy to think that school will be starting up here in just a few short weeks.

The Colorado trip was amazing! We had a blast riding alpine slides, roller coasters, and most of all, the desperation conference was incredible. Listening to the students share what had impacted them was really powerful. God spoke to them and it changed their lives. That is my most favorite thing to see! There is nothing more rewarding than seeing these students encounter the living God and then be forever changed. You are a part of those testimonies! Thank you for all your generosity with financial help all the way to providing snacks. We appreciate you so much!

As we approach this next school year we would like to welcome our upcoming sixth graders to youth! We are planning our promotion party for Wednesday August 20th and it’s going to be a POOL PARTY! Many thanks to the Pitman family for opening up their home to us! Time is 6:30 – 9:00 at 2509 N Bayside St. Wichita, KS 67205. We will have pizza, pop, and cookies so make sure they come hungry! Also please make sure that your student wears modest swim wear- girls one piece or dark tank top over two piece. It will be a great time hanging out and getting to know our new people! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

We love you all and we are honored to partner with you in raising up these young men and women! Have a lovely day!

Many blessings to you all!

Phil and Andrea Simpson
NLCC Youth Directors