I have been a stay at home mom for approximately 3 years now. In that time I have struggled to find my place in how I am impacting the kingdom. I am not in the streets of Africa, I am not leading massive crusades, I am not even encountering strangers and evangelizing on a regular basis. I am constantly interacting with 2 beautiful boys. Playing outside, playing with play-doh, giving hugs & kisses, feeding, changing diapers, etc.
Earlier this week I was reading an article online about motherhood. Which I think most mothers do, any ounce of encouragement from a woman that has been there & done that is wonderful! While reading, this quote struck me: “This laying down of your life for the children I’ve gifted you? This is worship in action.” –Faith & Composition blog by: Shalene
This is certainly not the first time I have read how important my role as a mother is, but I do not think that we can hear it enough. Then, to put it in the context of mothering your children, being worship in action, that was a new perspective to me. Laying down your sleep, your desires, your privacy, your clean house, and your “alone time” is all worship. If I would just stop trying to prove my role as a mother and focus on the fact that God sees all: He sees when you sit and when you rise. He perceives your thoughts from afar. He discerns your going out and your lying down. He is familiar with all your ways. (Psalm 139) And accept that this, raising the children he has given to me, is my worship to Him who sees all that I do when no one else does.
“Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.” –Andy Stanley
For now my role in the kingdom is to walk with my husband in the raising of our children. Raising them in the way of the Lord. Raising them in a house of unconditional love and forgiveness. Not that it will always be perfect, peaceful, or stress free. But it will be a home that hosts His presence and lives a life of worship to Him. A lot of pressure, possibly, but what a privilege to be a part of raising His kids; laying down my life to worship Him in this way is an honor and I am thankful, so thankful.
God Bless,
Jessica Tabor
Worship Director’s Wife