Who We Are
Staff and Leadership

Tim & Tiffany Fruits
Senior Pastors
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Brice & Jessica Tabor
Worship Pastor

Kit & Vicki Tabor
Founding Pastors

Derek & Whitney Pawelek
New Life Youth Pastor

Pam & Todd Gearheart
New Life Kids Pastor

Stephanie Orebaugh
New Life Kids Nursery/Preschool Director

Dixie Kiser
Office Administrator

Lonnie & Karen Kliewer
HUGs Ministry Directors

Josh Orebaugh
Worship Team Assistant

Steve Crabtree
Facilities Director

Sarah Washee

Alex & Krista Swainsbury
Life Group Directors

Dave Hickman
School Of Supernatural Ministry

Jan Hickman
Sozo Ministry

Beth Winger
Prayer Room
Our Elders
The function of the Elders is to serve as overseers and shepherds to direct the affairs of the church. They are to encourage the five-fold equipping ministers who prepare God’s people for words of service. The Elders shall oversee the ministry and resources of the church. In keeping with the principles set forth in Acts 6:1-6 and 1 Peter 5:1-4, the Elders shall devote their time to prayer, the ministry of the Word (by teaching and encouraging sound doctrine), and shepherding God’s flock.
Tim and Tiffany Fruits
Joe and Beth Winger
Dave and Jan Hickman
Vicki Tabor
Mike and Dixie Kiser
Apostolic Oversight Team
The Apostolic Oversight Team provides watchful and responsible care, counsel, and assistance to the ministry of the Elders at New Life Covenant Church.
Dr. Brian and Candice Simmons
Pastor Tim Fruits
Pastor Dave Dowler