I am so excited about the fact that we now “possess the land.” I view it as no coincidence that we just finished a sermon series on the Book of Joshua where the people of Israel, who had been without a homeland for 400 years, took possession of the land God had promised them. Nor do I believe it to be a coincidence that we have been involved in a 40 Day Prayer Challenge, initiated by the book The Circle Maker, in which many in our congregation are drawing and walking circles around the promises God has in store for us.

We too are extended the promises that God gave to Joshua, in that He will give us every place where we set our foot. No one will be able to stand up against us and He will never leave us nor forsake us. It is clearly time for us to be strong and courageous as we search God’s Word for our “next steps.”

Though the “Promised Land” was already theirs, there was still plenty of work to be done by the Israelites, and so for us today. Our “Promised Land” is now ours, but we must take action to fully utilize it for the Kingdom. Just as the Israelites gathered at Gilgal to “roll away the reproach of Egypt from them” (accomplished by the mass circumcision), we all carry our own sinful baggage which needs to be rolled away.

I John 1:8-9 states: “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify
us from all unrighteousness.”

Returning to Gilgal regularly for us does not mean a trip overseas periodically, but a return to that point of purity in our lives, where God cleansed us and continuously cleanses us; that we might be ready for the battle for souls; in other words, returning to the Word of God.

The Lord said to Joshua “be strong and courageous” as Joshua accepted his place in the battle. He also told Joshua that he was not to let the Word depart from his mouth; that he was to meditate on it day and night, with the intention of not missing a step along the way. In doing this, Joshua would be both prosperous and successful.

As each of us “returns to Gilgal,” through personal prayer and the Word, we are to change our thinking about our personal sinful baggage (specifically, our openness to sin in our lives), meditate on the Word day and night, maintain an attitude of strength and courageousness as we take action to follow God’s leading in our individual lives and our corporate lives as part of the Bride of Christ; the church.

Too often, one allows themselves to entertain the idea of sin (presumably innocent thoughts), that leads to the formulation of a plan and perhaps immediate execution of the plan. Sometimes that involves only one’s thoughts.

Other times, it involves sinful action by that person, and sometimes it involves the inclusion of others in our sin. None of those actions is consistent with God’s “Best Practices” for us. Sin is sin.

Regarding meditating on God’s Word day and night… I would venture to say that most people do not have a dedicated time when they focus totally on God’s Word by separating themselves from all of the distractions of this world so that they can absorb all that God has for us. It would be truly advantageous for all of us to do just that.

Being strong and courageous is an attitude that comes from our own mind. We decide that we are going to abide in that attitude. If we make that decision, we will not be easily discouraged.

Those three areas of focus will be very important for each of us, now that we actually possess the land and are moving into the next chapter of following God’s leading in our individual and corporate lives. So choose where your Gilgal is physically and get there so that you can make the right (righteous) decisions about your next steps. God told us in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has great plans for us; that they are for good, not for bad; that we will have hope and a future.

He really meant that and I’m Not Just Sayin’.

Shoulder to Shoulder,
Pastor Larry