New Life Covenant is an independently-affiliated, nondenominational protestant congregation. We believe the work beginning in the New Testament Church as recorded in the book of Acts is still proceeding today under the direction and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8
Called to Greatness
Ryan and Miriam Hickman are administrative staff with Called to Greatness. As Leadership Development Director, Ryan trains and leads staff who minister on college campuses in Kansas.

Presence Worship
Based out of Wichita, KS – Presence Worship exists to equip worship leaders to encounter the presence of God and learn how to be shepherds, stewards and servants within His presence. Their heart is to see all people from all backgrounds connect with the Word of God through Song.

The Girard Family
Nicolas and Leia Girard have been serving as missionaries in Italy for 14 years with their 5 kids. They’ve served in many different churches for the south to north central Italy, doing a variety of ministry activities including children / youth ministry, teaching in small groups, preaching in various churches and doing evangelism outreach.

The Abadir Family
In this season, the Lord is sending us to Europe to engage in the prayer movement from a new vantage point. We engage with the refugees to see harvest come forth from Arabic and Farsi speakers. We build bridges across the nations, especially between the East and the West as it relates to establishing of the Isaiah 19 highway of Worship in the Middle East.

Union Rescue Mission
The Union Rescue Mission of Wichita, KS is committed to sharing the gospel and meeting the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the homeless and poor in our community. Its highest aim is to lead people to redemptive and vibrant relationships with God.

Times of Refreshing
Times of Refreshing are under the direction of Bille Bill and Emogene Kaiser of Ft. Worth, TX. A dedicated team of ministers travel into various countries where missionaries serve God and invite them to pause in their labors to come be refreshed. There is no cost to the missionaries. Expenses are always paid for in full by Christians in North America who share the Kaiser’s vision for supporting and refreshing those who are “taking the good news into the whole world.”