What Is Jesus Saying Today?
Day 8

John 17:3 TPT
Eternal life means to know and experience you as the only true God, and to know and experience Jesus Christ, as the Son whom you have sent.
Thought for Today:
What does it mean to know and experience Jesus Christ?
The Greek word used here to “know” Jesus is ginosko defined “to know (absolutely), in a great variety of applications and with many implications- allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) known (knowledge), perceive, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand”.
According to this definition, to know Jesus would mean to be absolutely convinced in every application, through all implications, in life through feeling, understanding and confidence. That we allow Jesus to penetrate every perceived thought and ideology. That we are certain in speech, understanding and absolute resolve that He IS Jesus Christ.
There is so much going on in our world that can deflect from knowing Jesus. There are opinions bombarding us at every avenue in every direction. It is easy to be distracted by the “noise”. Sometimes you have to block out all the noise to hear Jesus. When there are loud voices at every turn on every side sometimes Jesus is asking us to block out the noise, to be still, to sit at his feet and ask this question:
Jesus what are you saying and how do you desire to respond through me in this situation?
Jesus is always speaking, always moving, and always desiring our partnership with him. The question is, can we hear what he is saying?
Jesus, I thank you that you speak to me and that I am able to hear what you say. I thank you that I am a hearer and a doer of the word of God in every situation that arises in my life. I thank you that I respond to others with love through the power of the Holy Spirit. Show me what you desire to say through me today. Amen.