Today is a Gift
Day 8

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Thought for Today:
Today is a day for rejoicing and giving thanks to the Lord. Today is a gift from God to you. No matter what you are facing or what has come your way make the decision, like the Psalmist, to rejoice and be glad about this day. Do it, don’t just mentally agree or worse, ignore it. This is part of doing life God’s way. “Rejoice and be glad in it.” It is God’s will, His desire to bless your life. He wants to lead you in the path of life.
Follow the path! Follow the directions. Begin to rejoice and thank Him. He is with you and wants to spend time with you. He wants you to experience His grace, goodness, and love. Engage with Him! It’s your decision.
Father, thank You for this day. Thank You for desiring and wanting me. Thank You for loving me so much that you sent Jesus. Thank You for listening to me, for sharing with me. Thank You for giving me eternal life through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Thank You for adopting me as Your child. Thank You for the Holy Spirit. Thank You for giving me Your Word. Thank You for caring about my every need. Thank You for never giving up on me and believing in me. Thank You for being so faithful even when I have been faithless. Thank You for family, friends, and Your church. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me. Be glorified today in and through my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Bless someone today. Take the “risk” to reach out today and be a blessing. Do something to bless someone you don’t know or speak a blessing upon someone. Jump in by faith in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Make it a great day,
Pastor Kit and Vicki Tabor