God’s Word Is Growing In You
Day 24

Colossians 1:13 (TPT)
He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son.
Thought for Today:
It’s working! Yes it is. God’s Word is working in you. Even though you may not see anything yet, God’s Word is alive and growing within you. As you have been giving this time to the Lord and allowing His Word into your life. The seeds of His, “Living Word,” truth, are permeating your life. You are becoming transformed by the renewing of your mind. God’s Word is working on the inside of you.
As you continue to meditate and speak His Word you are becoming, “Living Word.” Don’t allow discouragement, doubt or unbelief to kill the seeds. Protect your heart. Protect your freedom. Just like you would do to new plants, water and fertilize your faith. Meditate upon the Word over and over again, see it, and get the picture.
Speak the Word let it fill your thoughts and mouth. The Bible says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Phil.1:6 (NLT) God is not giving up on you, so don’t you give up on Him or yourself. His Word is alive and working within you.
Father, thank You for the continued work of Your Word within my life. Thank You for never giving up on me. Thank You for believing in me. I confess today that I am good ground for the growth of Your Word within my heart. Your Word is working mightily within my life, relationships, attitudes, finances and thinking.
I thank You that Your Word finds good ground within me and is producing 30, 60, and even 100 times more than originally planted. Your Word is transforming me into the image of Christ, Himself. I truly am a new creation in Christ Jesus my Lord. I give You all the glory and praise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Fertilize your faith in His Word, it is alive in you.
God Bless; make it a great day, and remember, “Why Not You?”
Pastor Kit