Stop Stressing
Day 2

Phil 4:6 (NKJV)
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
Thought for Today:
What a powerful scripture. The Lord is gracious to remind us to stop being anxious about life. Today we might say, “Stop stressing.” The Lord wants us to recognize that He is Lord. He is to be, Lord over your spirit, soul, and body. In other words, He is to be “In Charge.” We are to allow His Word and faith in Him to have dominion over our lives and that includes our thinking. Notice in this verse we are told not to be anxious.
In other words we have something to do with this. The scripture is telling us, “don’t let this happen,” “you take authority over this.” The Lord wouldn’t tell us to do something that we are unable to do or powerless to do. So, how do we stop being anxious when things are not looking so good around us? By keeping focused upon the Lord and His Word. The verse says, “in everything by prayer and supplication …” this means, get in contact with the Lord. Keep your thinking upon Him and His Word. Bring everything to Him. Spend time in His presence and turn it over to Him. Put your faith and trust in the Lord. Believe Him and don’t allow, worry, fear, unbelief or doubt to steal your faith.
Notice that the next portion of scripture says, “with thanksgiving.” True thanksgiving comes from the heart. The writer is conveying that thanksgiving recognizes the wonder and confidence of turning over the situation to the Lord. We are thankful because our prayers have not fallen on deft ears or some uncaring, powerless god. The Lord of all creation has heard our cries and answers. We are His children and He loves us. Come with thanksgiving today and let your requests be made known to God. For He is good and His mercy endures forever.
Father, thank You for Your wonderful words of life. Thank You that you care for me and my situation. I am truly thankful that You want to hear from me and Your desire is to help me and answer me. Thank You for loving me so much. Father, as I enter into this time of prayer and growth open my spiritual eyes, ears, and heart to see, hear, and know You more intimately than ever before in my life. Reveal Yourself to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Make it a great day,
Pastor Kit