Selah (Part 1)
Day 18

Psalm 3:1,2 (TPT)
Lord, I have so many enemies, so many who are against me. Listen to how they whisper their slander against me, saying: ‘Look! He’s hopeless! Even God can’t save him from this!’ Pause in his presence (Selah).
Thought for Today:
The footnotes from Brian Simmons about this word Selah are:
This is the Hebrew word Selah, a puzzling word to translate. Most scholars believe it is a musical term for pause or rest. It is used seventy-one times in the Psalms as an instruction to the music leader to pause and ponder in God’s presence. An almost identical word, Sela, means “a massive rock cliff.” It is said that when Selah is spoken, the words are carved in stone in the throne room of the heavens.
Such a small word with such a big impact. Over the past 6 or so years, the Lord has taken Marcella and myself on a journey to more fully understand this tiny, little word. It will take more than just a paragraph to unravel its mystery.
Selah is only found in the scriptures intertwined in song. Therefore, the most common definition; ‘Think/ponder/meditate on or about it’ seems a bit hollow. This is a term added by a musician for musicians/worshipers. I start by singing the lyric of Psalm 3 (verses 1 & 2). My heart is breaking before the Lord. As an intercessor/worshiper, I need to say these words for a time. I need to cry out to my Father. One time through this verse is not enough. I need to let my instrument sing. I need my voice to be heard. This takes time. How much time? I will sing these words or even improvise until I feel the release from the Lord. I am then free to continue with the rest of the song. This is a musical interlude, a Selah.
Modern culture has programmed us to the four-minute song. If it goes any longer, we get bored or we will lose advertising revenue. Seven times a day David would stop and take time with the Lord. Singing, playing an instrument, praying, creating – whatever it took, however long it took. The Lord said David was a man after His own heart.
For those interested in more of the music of David, go to the following link
Father, today I take the time to listen to your heart. Today, at this time, I cease my activity to spend time with You. Today, I will take the time to converse with You until I know you have heard my heart and I have heard yours. Amen
Listen to some music. When a song or lyric quickens in your Spirit, turn that particular audio device off and continue to sing, worship, declare those words and melodies until you feel the Peace of the Lord flow over you. If you feel you are musically challenged, then just make a joyful noise. It is all a sweet fragrance to Him.