Father, it is my prayer that You will continually assist the people in our church family and the Body of Christ to be faithful to repair the Fountain Gate in our lives.  (Nehemiah 3:15)

Forgive us when we have fashioned cisterns that break and are unable to hold water either for ourselves or for those you bring across our paths.  You alone Lord are the true fountain of living water, You are the fountain of our life.  You are the true source of our strength, peace, joy and wisdom.  Please remind us Holy Spirit to come to our Lord continually and to ask to be replenished with Your living water.  We are refreshed and replenished as we abide in our Savior Jesus.

Teach us moment by moment how to lay aside accomplishing things in our own strength.  You are the Fountain that never runs dry.  Help us to drink deep from Your fountain of deliverance.  (Is. 12:3) We thirst and come to You for a greater infilling of the Holy Spirit that we would be a people who overflow from a heart sharing rivers of love, life and salvation.  (John 7:37-39)  We long to be a people who are a fountain from which You Lord gush forth into the lives of others.  We are never a dry well as we abide and remain a branch attached to You.  Thank you for allowing us to overflow with sweet water.  (James 3:8-12)  Give me wisdom on how to protect Your fountain of life within me.  Fill every part of our lives with Your precious Holy Spirit.  By faith we draw from You life giving water and ask You to help us overflow as a life giving fountain into the lives of others.

In Jesus name I pray,
