Happy April to you! God is good, faithful, and so wonderful every single day! I just stand back amazed at all He is doing within our youth, our church, and our city! Be expectant for great things to happen because He is moving mightily in these days!

As we continue to press on towards the summer trip I want to inform you of some important dates coming up.

The next $100 dollar payment is due on Wednesday April 16th. I still have a few spots open and I’m telling you that these trips are so impactful in the student’s lives. Please don’t let the numbers hold you back because we will be working hard to help fundraise! We’re also praying Philippians 4:19 over all the students going and their families. God is faithful!

Rent-a-Youth starts now through the end of June!! Please contact me with jobs you would like to hire some students for! You can email me at nly@newlifecovenant.org or call/text (316) 519-8984. Babysitting, yard work, car washing, etc. are some ideas to ponder.

Also…on the evening of Saturday April 26th we will have an evening of Food, Fun, and BINGO!! This youth fundraiser will be located at the Anderson’s Barn, which they have so graciously allowed us to use! Tickets will be on sale at the information table now through Sunday 4/20. Cost is $6/adult, $4/child (3 and under are free), and families of 4 or more are $24. That will include dinner, drinks, and one Bingo card per person. Additional cards may be purchased for $1 that evening. Check the details for more info or come talk to me on Sunday mornings at the information table.

Let me know if you have any questions or if you have anything you would like to donate as a Bingo prize. Thanks for your help!

Also, we ask for your prayers over the youth group and leaders. We don’t just want to play church or plan activities. We truly want these young people to grow in their personal walks with The Lord as they encounter Him. We can’t be in His presence and remain the same, we become more like Him! :)

Many blessings to you all!

Phil and Andrea Simpson
NLCC Youth Directors